Hildegard Rai

Hildegard Rai

Director - Market Access & Trade Agreements

Ms Hildegard Rai, Director of Market Access & Trade Agreements Division has been with the National Trade Office (NTO) since its establishment in 2020 and has been with NTO for a total of 5 years. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and a Masters in International Trade. Prior to that she served as the Senior Trade Officer when the Trade function was parked under the Department of Trade Commerce & Industry (DTCI).

The Market Access & Trade Agreements Division of the National Trade Office is responsible for identifying and assessing the most rewarding markets for Papua New Guinea, negotiating, reviewing, and updating trade agreements on behalf of the government. They also contribute to the domestication of trade agreements and implement bilateral, regional, and multilateral trade agreements.

The division encourages the integration of domestic businesses in global value chains by promoting greater value addition, export diversification, offshore investment, and partnerships. They also organize and disseminate trade policy information such as policies, rules, agreements, and trade development programs to ensure that the public is informed of Papua New Guinea’s trade policies and practices.

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