Raphael Uranguai

Raphael Uranguai

Director - Trade Development & Compliance

Mr Raphael Uranguai, Director of Trade Development & Compliance Division has been with the National Trade Office (NTO) since its establishment in 2020 and has been with NTO for a total of 5 years. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Policy (UPNG). Prior to that he served as the Senior Trade Officer when the Trade function was parked under the Department of Trade Commerce & Industry (DTCI).

The Trade Enforcement & Compliance Division of the National Trade Office is responsible for coordinating the review and implementation of policies on Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs), Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs), Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) policies, and the costs of doing trade in Papua New Guinea.

They also coordinate the work on tariffs, NTMs, and services in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and Trade Ministers’ Meetings. Additionally, the division facilitates the development, implementation, and enforcement of policies on Standards, Quality, Metrology, and Testing (SQMT), Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Competition, and Consumer Protection in close consultation with lead agencies.

The division is also responsible for facilitating the development, implementation, and enforcement of accreditation policies, inspecting, issuing permits and licenses, and reviewing policies and procedures thereof. They coordinate the administration of trade remedies and dispute settlements to ensure that Papua New Guinea’s trade practices are in line with international trade regulations.

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