Richard Yakam

Richard Yakam

Chief Trade Officer

Chief Executive Officer’s Office

Mr Richard Yakam, Chief Trade Officer has been with the National Trade Office (NTO) since its establishment in 2020 and has been with NTO for a total of 5 years. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and a Masters in International Trade Law. Prior to that he served as the Director General for Trade when the Trade function was parked under the Department of Trade Commerce & Industry (DTCI).


Background Information of the Office

The Chief Trade Officer is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Trade Office. The Chief Trade Officer’s Office provides the overall administration for the running of the Organization stipulated in Part IV of the National Trade Act 2023.


Functions of the Office

The Chief Trade Officer’s Office is responsible for providing the top-level leadership and support for NTO Core functional Divisions of Trade Policy Coordination & Facilitation, Market Access & Trade Agreements, Trade Development & Compliance and the Corporate Services division and is the Chief accountable officer of NTO.


Roles & Responsiblities

Part IV Section 21 & 22 of the National Trade Act give powers to the Chief Trade Officer to Manage and Direct the Affairs of NTO in accordance with the polices and directive of the NTO Board. In the absence of the NTO Board the Chief Trade Officer reports and assumes directive to/of the Minister of International Trade and Investment. The Chief Trade Officer’s Office is made up of the Chief Trade Officer and his support staff delivering its key services of providing overall Leadership and Management in the operations of NTO, Planning & Budgeting, Implementation, and Monitoring & Evaluating. Provides Secretarial (ex officio) services of the NTO Board and Chairs the Senior Management Team (SMT) of NTO and all associated committees derived from the SMT on an annual basis.

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